Welcome to Central Washington Area of NA

Narcotics Anonymous is a non-profit fellowship of people who suffer from the disease of addiction. We meet on a regular basis to help each other stay clean and share our experience, strength, and hope. If you think you might have a drug problem, please call our Helpline, or come to one of our meetings

We hope you find everything you need to help you in your recovery. If you are new to NA We are glad you are here and look forward to seeing you in a meeting.



CWANA Area Service Committe Meetings and Hybrid Option

In-Person Location                                 PR Subcommittee                 10am
KCRCO                                                        Activities Subcommittee    11am
211 W 3rd Ave                                           Potluck                                    12pm
Ellensburg, WA 98926                              New GSR Orientation          1230pm
Zoom Option:                                           Area Service Committee     1pm
ID: 520 918 8085
Password: 034831


Mobile Convention Committee Planning Zoom Meeting February 11th 8:00pm Copy

Login ID: 520 918 8085Password: 034831 All are welcome to attend! Please see event page for more information.

Embrace Recovery Committee Planning Hybrid Meeting March 1st 9:00am

After the WUTR (Waking Up to Recovery) Group Conscience Meeting in Yakima 8-9am @ Pear Tree Apartments in the Clubhouse You can also join on zoom at:Login ID: 520 918 8085Password: 034831 All are welcome to attend! Please see event page for more information.

PO Box 34
Ellensburg, WA 98926

24 Hour Helpline

Upcoming Events